Watchman's Note

This is a journey to the best designs in the world of Handpicked and presented (along with my own artwork) by yours truly, the driving force behind Surreality designs. We'll discover great artists and special products -mostly with a taste for the eccentric. But let us not confine ourselves in specific genres: the possibilities are endless and so is the great art one can find at Zazzle.


Necklaces on Zazzle!

Just heard that zazzle started offering sterling silver necklaces. We'll be seeing much more in the next few days. I already started exploring the possibilities.

Eris Brown necklace necklaceChaos Revisited necklace necklace 


  1. Ooh, those are cool. I hadn't noticed those on the create page yet. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I just happened to be reading tweets the exact moment they announced it. Thought the community should know!


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