Watchman's Note

This is a journey to the best designs in the world of Handpicked and presented (along with my own artwork) by yours truly, the driving force behind Surreality designs. We'll discover great artists and special products -mostly with a taste for the eccentric. But let us not confine ourselves in specific genres: the possibilities are endless and so is the great art one can find at Zazzle.


Vita brevis

This beautiful, moody piece brings a new vigor to the ancient memento mori tradition -that is, artwork that reminds us of mortality and inspires us to have a more serious approach to our life and choices. The strange female figure seems to float while holding a skull and the light is simply amazing!
I found this great poster at Aegis Strife, the shop that showcases the art of Mario Sánchez Nevado (aka Aégis). Mario is a master of strong symbolism, grotesque concepts and exquisite skill.

Masochistic Artist print
Masochistic Artist by Aegis_Strife
Learn how to sell art online at
Mixed techniques, rich textures and a splendid sense of color and light source make him a unique artist and illustrator. So don't be shy and cover your walls with his surreal imaginings: life's too short to resist such an eerie temptation!


  1. Thank you very much for the feature and your kind words about my work! It is very much appreciated! :)

    Mario S: Nevado.

  2. Your work speaks for itself, Mario! I'm glad you liked the post, thanks for stopping by.


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