Watchman's Note

This is a journey to the best designs in the world of Handpicked and presented (along with my own artwork) by yours truly, the driving force behind Surreality designs. We'll discover great artists and special products -mostly with a taste for the eccentric. But let us not confine ourselves in specific genres: the possibilities are endless and so is the great art one can find at Zazzle.


Screaming flowers suit

It's about time for an utterly wacko poster -and I guess you know by now I mean this as a compliment! This great piece by D.Silva Designs is both creepy, funny and surreal. They say the devil's in the details and in this case the detail of those little screaming heads that hang out of the flowers is unbeatable!

Here's something more from this great artist:

He doesn't limit himself in one style or medium and his solid technique is as flexible as his imagination. Check out his store and you'll be pleasantly surprised.


  1. Thank you Leah!
    D.Silva is really good.
    [Feel free to propose any zazzle artist whose work could suit this blog!]

  2. I just wanted to say thanks for posting my stuff, it is much appreciated & I love your blog!


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