Watchman's Note

This is a journey to the best designs in the world of Handpicked and presented (along with my own artwork) by yours truly, the driving force behind Surreality designs. We'll discover great artists and special products -mostly with a taste for the eccentric. But let us not confine ourselves in specific genres: the possibilities are endless and so is the great art one can find at Zazzle.


Bare bones t-shirt

This t-shirt features a minimal, intriguing design that looks almost like a riddle. I love the contrast between the soft colored circle and the strength of the hip bone image.
The designer is Rory Wilson, and he came up with one of the best (and strangest) concepts I've seen in a quite some time!


Surrealitee's Doodle speakers

I'm proud to present you with Surrealitee's Doodle speakers.
Zazzle offers this product for about a month and they're quite a gadget: Ultra portable, good sound for the size and a treat to the eye! I'm posting some thumbnails here but there's more -and, hopefully, I'll be soon adding quite a few.

Mod Trilby Doodle speaker doodleTriad I Doodle speaker doodleFight Lady Doodle speaker doodle
Emperor Norton Doodle speaker doodleChrysanthemum I Doodle speaker doodleSee the Fnord Doodle speaker doodle
Due to a rather hectic timetable (i.e. me being really lazy...), it took me some time to decide which designs would fit this interesting medium. Do check them out and tell me what you think.


Helvetica, the neue black

Graphic designers and font lovers will appreciate this humorous homage to Helvetica (especially the Neue Helvetica font family, which brought the much-loved typeface to the modern era). It's a simple text design that tells it like it is!
I found this t-shirt on Busted Nut Designs and I couldn't resist the temptation! It's smart, funny and (hey!) it's about Helvetica.


The 036 Bureaucracy Western

This is a smart (and hilarious) short film made by Juan Fernando Andrés Parrilla and Esteban Roel García Vázquez from Panama. It was a finalist on the Jameson Notodo FilmFest.
We all have faced bureaucracy and we can fully sympathize with the determined heroine. Way to go, blondie!
[And kudos to both actors. They offer the best shoot out an office has ever seen!]


The alien tentacled eyeball

Watch this alien eyeball unfold its tentacles, on a great t-shirt designed by the talented D.Silva! It's menacing, yet graceful. This surreal monster looks like it's moving, bobbing slowly up and down before executing an unexpected, swift movement.
D.Silva's designs seem to have a life of their own, a strange tendency to leave their canvas and roam freely among us (well, that would be the stuff nightmares are made of!). He is inspired by tattoos, comics, punk, graffiti, steampunk, video games and animals, and his imagination absorbs them and creates pure gems.

It's not the first time he is featured here (there was this Screaming Flowers post, some time ago) and the reason is obvious: His shop is a must see!
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